(717) 632-4165 Mon - Fri 7:30am - 4:00pm EST 500 Broadway Hanover, PA 17331
ISO 9001 and ISO 14001
Gray and ductile iron castings
150 to 5,000lbs / air-set, no-bake
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CA Lawton
tracy video image
The C.A. Lawton Co. and Penn-Mar Castings, LLC teamed up to teach an Iron 101 class to one of their customers. Unlike the typical Iron 101s, this one has a twist.  Employees from both sites collaborated to teach their knowledge on metalcasting and foundries. The main focus of the Iron 101 was to showcase how...
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PMC lean family blog
Author: R.J. Hawkins, Engineer Manager at The C.A. Lawton Co. Often kids are raised by a single parent. To the best of their abilities, the parent does all he or she can do to assure their kids don’t see the struggles that are taking place. I am an example of this because I was raised...
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