A dedication to quality has served Penn-Mar Castings well over the years.
This commitment to high-quality iron castings gets a big helping hand from the quality control and lab services offered at PMC.
Getting it right before we even pour

PMC uses MagmaSoft casting process simulation software that reduces sample processing times. With this software they can run solidification processes and see how they will turn out before a single drop of molten metal is poured. These systems help with producing high-quality castings with little to no defects.
You can read more about how MagmaSoft software is helping Lawton Standard’s foundries here.
ARL 3460 Spectrometer
Another tool that helps before we even pour is the ARL 3460 Spectrometer. The device analyzes each heat prior to pouring, ensuring that customer specifications are met. It can detect and read up to 24 elements.
The ARL 3460 is a multi-channel optical emission spectrometer which offers fast, accurate metals analysis. It is custom designed to meet Penn-Mar’s specific requirements. The benefits of the ARL 3460 include:

LECO CS744 Carbon and Sulfur Determinator
To go along with the ARL 3460, PMC also has a LECO CS744 Carbon and Sulfur Determinator.
This machine allows us to precisely measure the carbon and sulfur content in our ductile metal formulation. The device combusts the sample and analyzes the resulting carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide gases produced.
Analyzing castings after they are poured to ensure quality
Romer 8′ Absolute Arm and Polyworks Inspection Software
For our larger castings, we can use the Romer 8’ Absolute Arm to help with our 3D scanning and measurements. We use this in concert with the Polyworks Inspection Software to make sure we are meeting our customers expectations
The Romer arm is an all-purpose 3D measurement tool that’s mobile, stabile and low weight. It ensures quality, increases productivity and minimizes any inaccuracies.

The Romer Absolute Arm is teamed up with Polyworks Inspection Software at PMC. The software controls casting dimensions, diagnoses and prevents any manufacturing or assembly issues and oversees the quality of our castings by using portable metrology devices and CNC CMMs.
Panametrics Ultrasonic Gage and LECO Image Analysis
Two other pieces of equipment that help us ensure the quality of our castings are the Panametrics ultrasonic gage and the LECO image analysis software.
The ultrasonic gage allows us to measure the thickness of a casting and it helps detect subsurface discontinuities in the castings.
The LECO Image analysis software allows us to evaluate metal samples to help us meet our customers’ specifications.
Full-Service Metallographic Lab and Full-Service Sand Lab
Penn-Mar Castings boasts a full-service metallographic lab. Metallography is the study of the microstructure of all types of metallic alloys. This lab helps us observe and determine the chemical and atomic structure of our castings, as well as spatial distribution.

We also have a full-service sand lab. PMC analyzes sand samples every day in an effort to make sure our molding sand is the highest quality possible. Higher quality sand molds produce higher quality castings with fewer defects or issues.
Constant checking and analyzing to meet our customers specific needs
As you can see, Penn-Mar Castings offers a wide-range of tools, equipment and software to help make higher-quality castings in a more efficient way that meet our customers’ standards.
If you want to learn more about our services or you’re interested in a quote, contact PMC today.