(717) 632-4165 Mon - Fri 7:30am - 4:00pm EST 500 Broadway Hanover, PA 17331
ISO 9001 and ISO 14001
Gray and ductile iron castings
150 to 5,000lbs / air-set, no-bake
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Fourth of July

Independence Day – 2022

As we prepare to celebrate this Independence Day, please take a few moments to read the document prepared on that day 246 years ago. The Declaration of Independence speaks about the injustices suffered by our founding fathers and how they were to join to overcome these injustices. Two specific phrases remind us of what binds us all together. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator...
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Meet the GM Tom Young

Meet the GM: An interview with Tom Young

At The Lawton Standard Co., we thrive on safety, reliability, collaboration, integrity, and innovation. In addition, we value and encourage a healthy family culture at every location.  Tom Young is one of our five general managers across the Lawton Standard platform. He oversees our Penn-Mar Castings location located in Hanover, PA. He has been in the industry for over 41 years!  We wanted to take the time to recognize our general managers and get to know them a...
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tracy video image

Tracy talks about Iron 101

The C.A. Lawton Co. and Penn-Mar Castings, LLC teamed up to teach an Iron 101 class to one of their customers. Unlike the typical Iron 101s, this one has a twist.  Employees from both sites collaborated to teach their knowledge on metalcasting and foundries. The main focus of the Iron 101 was to showcase how Lawton and Penn-Mar’s capabilities complemented each other. Due to the ongoing pandemic, Lawton has not been able to host its normal Iron 101...
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PMC recycle blog image

Foundries set the standard for recycling

Foundries have been setting high standards for recycling and inspiring other industries to adapt to their level of sustainability. For centuries, foundries have been making new metal objects by remelting old ones. For example, the oldest existing casting is a copper frog made in Mesopotamia dating back to 3200 B.C. Metalcasting facilities recycle more than 14 million tons, or 31.5 million pounds of steel each year. This is enough energy to light the homes of Chicago for one...
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Penn mar heat treat Blog Cover

Why heat treat?

Iron, in its pure form, is lustrous, silvery, and soft. Iron’s electrons can spin in the same direction, which means it effortlessly combines with alloying elements. Iron is also polymorphic. Its crystal structure can transform into different forms by changing the temperature and carbon content. Iron’s properties make it valuable to metallurgists and engineers. The team at Penn-Mar Castings knows just what your iron component needs in terms of alloys and temperatures to perform its intended function in...
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PMC lean family blog

How LEAN is making a foundry family possible

Author: R.J. Hawkins, Engineer Manager at The C.A. Lawton Co. Often kids are raised by a single parent. To the best of their abilities, the parent does all he or she can do to assure their kids don’t see the struggles that are taking place. I am an example of this because I was raised by a single mom. Even though I had a great childhood, my mom struggled to make ends meet. The only thing she wanted...
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PMC how to choose foundry blog

How to choose a foundry

Selecting a foundry can be challenging whether you’re involved in a new project startup that requires cast parts or if you’re relocating patterns to a different supplier. Here is a simple process that will help you to identify the right foundry for your needs. Step 1: Know your product The more knowledge and information you have about the castings, the more productive you will be at narrowing down your list of prospective foundries. Working with a platform like...
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Lawton Standard QESC PR

The Lawton Standard Co. announces the (re)launch of QESC (Quality Electric Steel Castings)

The Lawton Standard Co. announces the (re)launch of QESC (Quality Electric Steel Castings) as its latest growth initiative in response to constrained capacity in the domestic metal casting industry.  The Lawton Standard Co. has recently added the facilities and team members of QESC (Houston, TX) to its growing casting business to respond to constrained industry capacity and as part of its broader expansion strategy. The new site will operate as a sister operation to: The C.A. Lawton Co....
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PMC casting pattern blog

Optimizing the pattern of a casting

Designing a pattern can be challenging, especially if you don’t have a well-defined process. At PMC, the design review process begins when the customer and the foundry’s casting engineer review the required casting shape. It consists of drawings or models of a casting-friendly pattern and more core boxes. Technical discussions typically include tolerances required, allowable machine stock, machined and non-machined surfaces, and the castablility of the desired casting. Tooling design can vary, depending upon the pattern material, casting...
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